Florists Self Care

            Florists Self Care

            Florist Self Care and Design Contest

            There are many articles, blogs and news stories about self care. And how flowers are part of self care. Like that quirky fun Youtube video early this year.

            But, what if you are around  flowers all the time? Helping others with their self care goals? How do you remain emotionally and physically healthy during those crazy times like Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day and oh, so many wedding in a row days?

            Running a business and being a floristry entrepreneur can take its toll on all those 2000 body parts!

            Here are some helpful tips. Some you have heard of and maybe already do for your self and some that could make you roll your eyes. The tips that you know may make you feel so much better in such a small amount of time.

            1) Rest: Get plenty of rest! What does this actually mean? It means tuning out the world for at least 20 minutes, or better yet, meditation before you go to sleep at night. Of course, turning off the world could be a challenge, and sometimes is necessary during the middle of the day, but hey, there is a reason why cat’s are so alert after a ‘cat nap’. So, if you have an opportunity, curl up like a kitty and turn off your mind. 

            2) Meditation, breathing and relaxation:  There are a number of cool apps out there to reduce stress and teach yourself to be 'mindful' of the mind. is a good app to soothe yourself through stories, guided meditation soft, calming music or if pouring rain in a forest works for you, the the app has this feature too. This app , like may others, are designed to teach you how to bring your attention to your own breathing and relaxation of body and mind. It even teaches you how to breath deeply. Yeah, some people forget to breathe and a whole world of anxious goes to another level. Just breathe! 

            3) Exercise: I know the bad thee syllable word… ex-er-cise. Wouldn’t we all love to be eating tacos instead of exercising! Ok, so I am not talking about killing yourself marathoning. (Although, we all know that one person that would rather run a marathon instead of devouring a few tacos. FYI: Don’t eat too many tacos, you could put yourself into TACOma... LOL)  A  small brisk walk around the block with your favorite music in your ears can have a great effect on your body and mind. Just increasing your heart rate, blood flow and oxygen into your entire body and brain, can give you an instant boost of energy.  Especially when you have great tunes to rock out to on that brisk walk.

            4)Stretching/Yoga: We sometimes, just get up, and start the daily work routine all over again.  Along with the mandatory breathing thing, stretching is something many do not think of at all during the day. Study shows stretching allows muscles that release to bring more oxygen onto your body too.

            If you stand all day, your back and legs must aches. Here are some simple stretches to ease some of  that ache: 

            5)Food & Water: No, we are not discussing tacos again, but heck, they are a good subject.  Eating properly, for your body type can be a challenge when you are super busy. Even a healthy snack or protein bar can be forgotten at home and then hunger strikes and the first thing available is very temping (would, again, could be tacos...) and could also be something you regret and it may make you feel worse.

            Don't get to the 'Hangry' stage. Check out these funny hangry commercials



            Another necessity that we so seldom forget to do is intake of water.  Find an inspiring water bottle that you love. Here a few great choices. is always a good start. You may be less likely to forget a favorite inspiration behind when you leave for work.

            Our Contest: Let’s see those amazing works of art that you created for Mother’s day. The ones that your heart and soul went into during some grueling days of the spring  season. Send one favorite design and you could be the winner of $100 worth of wholesale flowers from ibuyflowers for however you choose to use them.        

            Enter Here:

            Rest up, take care of yourself, as wedding season is about to begin! -Love Emma

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